The Prologue is addressed to each one of us personally. It is an invitation to the beginner (and all of us) to follow Christ. Like any other invitation one is free to accept or decline. It is a matter of choice. If we decide to accept the challenge, it means a total commitment of our […]
Christ at the Centre (RB 4)
The love of Christ must come before all else. (RB 4) This short sentence found among the ‘Instruments of Good Works’ sums up all of Benedict’s teaching. From the outset Benedict points to Christ. The gospel is central to everything . He invites us to meet Christ in community prayer, meditation, and silence; to see […]
Some time ago (December 2003), I wrote a short Reflection for our Oblates on ‘Reconciliation in the Rule of Benedict’. However, in the light of various events since then it seems to me that this topic is by no means exhausted, so it might be worthwhile to look at it again. The whole question of […]
A word that we meet often in the Scriptures is ‘hope’. Frequently the psalms encourage us to hope in God Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope ( Ps. 119:49): Jeremiah reassures us that God will give us a future full of hope (Jer. 29:11) Job tells us There […]
Two Olive Trees (Zech. 4:3 & 11, Rev. 11:4)
Many years ago in England, I used to enjoy listening to a radio program which always began with the question Have you read any good books lately? It makes a good conversation opener, and often leads to some interesting and thought provoking discussion. One book I have been reading and re-reading over the past year […]
Place Your Hope in God Alone (RB 4)
I said to the man who stood at the gate of the yearGive me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied, “Go out into the darkness,and put your hand into the hand of GodThat shall be to you better than a light,And safer than a known way. So I […]